SoC geeklog2 workflow plugin

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This is an old project idea for our (now defunct) sister project, AptitudeCMS (aka Geeklog 2). This project outline is therefore only of historical interest and you can not apply for this project in future instances of the Google Summer of Code. Please see our ideas page for a current list of GSoC project ideas.


Geeklog 2 is meant to play squarely in the CMS arena but is also meant to serve more generally as a system for delivering enterprise PHP application. With the content plugin nearly complete and the first ever beta of Geeklog 2 on the horizon there is a need to establish a basic work flow plugin. The PHP community is hungry for good, open source workflow alternatives and to truly play outside the needs of basic blogs and corporate websites (which we must do) we must have workflow. It should be noted we have the added benefit of having Blaine Lang, a 1.x developer with a lot of workflow experience, as part of the team.


  • Research PHP-based workflow engines
  • Build a phased approach for delivering a workflow implementation. This will involve heavy collaboration with the GL2 developers.
  • Begin implement a basic workflow plugin inside of Geeklog 2
  • Implement workflow examples by implementing real-world uses inside of the existing content plugin.
  • Design a API that allows third party systems to integrate into the worflow process. The API should be exposed via SOAP.
  • Ideally make BPEL the configuration language for the workflow

Level of Difficulty


This is way too much work for one Summer of Code program but I think it we could frame this as the first of a number of phases with clear, concise deliverables for each phase.

Further Reading